Word Loft

Easter Joy!

Easter Joy!

The place is alive with chicks and bunnies. Not the real sort of course, but I love decorating my home, and an array of springtime paraphernalia collected over decades has made its annual appearance.

Mr Word Loft brought the boxes down from the loft. As I released the ornamental shapes and animals from tissue paper, I remembered dear friends and kin associated with each item.

Two funky triangular fabric chickens, now roost on my kitchen windowsill and are a fond reminder of an old acquaintance, who sold her wares in a local artist society we both belonged to. And later, the beaded eggs she made were a big hit in the arts and gift shop I owned.

For some reason, I didn’t buy any, which is a shame, because they would look stunning on our silver-branched Easter Tree with its mixture of glass and china beauties, some bought as presents from my sister. We share the same pastime, and her house will be prettified this week as well.

Our twiggy tree, made by yours truly, is displayed inside, but some nationalities deck real trees out of doors. It’s a pity the British climate isn’t more suitable, as the eggs look cheerful blowing beside new buds and blossom.  

In the conservatory, a pair of pink bunnies pop cheekily out of a glass bowl. The smallest, crocheted by my daughter, and the two coordinate perfectly with my latest purchase.

A dried flower heart-shaped wreath was an after-Valentine’s Day bargain not to be missed. Its original romantic message altered with glittery and hand-painted eggs is positioned where passers-by can see it.

A few pieces, I made in my ceramic business days. A glossy egg and chick ornament is personalised to commemorate my son’s birth, born at Eastertime. And there is another trinket, honouring my daughter’s, but the glazed vase with a rabbit inside moved houses with her.

I have a basketful of craft-type gifts, and chocolate eggs to give out over the weekend. The eggs are important, as a sign of renewed life, and were part of Pagan spring festivals long before Christianity.

However, for me, the Easter festivities wouldn’t be complete without hot cross buns symbolising the holy cross. Toasted and slathered with rich creamy butter for breakfast. What an Easter treat!

So many traditions have merged over the years to create a unique style of celebrating, so however you decide to spend the holidays, have fun and I hope the Easter Bunny is kind to you.

Wishing you a wonderful time.
Sue. X

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