Word Loft

Seal of Approval

Godrevy/Mutton Cove

So the love affair continues. With lighthouses, of course, and I can’t believe that my feature published in “The People’s Friend” about these iconic landmarks and my fondness for them was over two years ago. Mr Word Loft shares this fascination and we’ve been on a mini-tour of North Cornwall. As planned, we stopped at Godrevy in St Ives Bay on day one.

Walking from the Rockpool Café, we turned onto the National Trust’s coastal pathway. A mixture of heathland and dunes, Godrevy beach stretches to rocks. Atlantic rollers foam over the shore and Godrevy Lighthouse stands gleaming white on top of a small craggy island in the distance. To get a closer look, I strode enthusiastically along the walkways, but the lighthouse wasn’t the only reason. Beyond it, there was another anticipated attraction.

With each step nearer, my enchantment deepened as breakers churned and crashed over the rocks supporting the octagonal structure dotted with curved topped windows. It was designed by engineer James Walker and was built in 1859 when its light was a welcome beacon to those sailing nearby in dangerous seas. Coincidentally, the Trevose Head Lighthouse I wrote about at the end of 2019 was also his innovation.

Mutton Cove is only a short walk away. Fields meet the cliffs and I was feeling slightly bemused searching the waves below. “Where are they? Perhaps there aren’t any about today,” I said, visualizing the adorable creatures.

“Let’s look around this corner,” Mr Word Loft pointed. “There’s a huddle of people over there.” And there were, some using cameras with humongous zoom lenses.

A wooden rail runs about the top of Mutton Cove. Polite notices request that the seals sleeping on the beach below are respected – please keep quiet and barking dogs unwelcome. Imagine my elation when I gazed over the cliff edge and saw a large colony of grey seals laying on the gritty beach. Dozens, of different sizes, in shades of grey and beige. A few yawned and blinked dozily, another swam – I hadn’t expected to see so many, and was enthralled.

Thanks, seals, you made my day!

Until Next time,
Sue. X

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