Word Loft

This Way To The Waterfall

St Nectan’s Glen near Tintagel is one of my favourite places in Cornwall, and now lockdown restrictions have been eased, I was drawn to its tranquillity. The one-way system through the woodland works well and is very helpful.

Heading down into the valley, I was soon lost in the sounds of nature; especially birdsong and the river rushing along. The foliage is a mixture of rich greens; the ferns particularly beautiful, all reminiscent of a prehistoric setting where I could imagine dinosaurs stomping through them over rocks and mud.

The café was open, we were prepared to have a take-away lunch if it was too busy. To our surprise most tables were free, so for the first time in months, we sat and dined after selecting from an enticing menu. Life felt normal again, even though the staff needed to wear face masks, and yellow sticky-taped arrows plaster the floors.

Following signs to the waterfall, we bought tickets at the gift shop. I still remember my amazement the first time I saw it a few years ago. And on each occasion since, the experience is more magical. Some people have married in the pool that it flows into, others meditate sitting on ledges at the sides.

This time I had taken Wellington boots so that I could go closer, but not as close as two young women dipping playfully under cascading water as it gushed through the round portal in the rock.

I wondered if they acted spontaneously, or were celebrating as I trudged back to the car. This time up a farm road unexplored before the COVID-19 pandemic human one-way system was necessary. But I’ll leave my musings about that scenic route for another day.

Until next time.
Sue. X  

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