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Category: Blog


Writing Journey 

Highlighted this week is a non-fiction piece. It began with my note-taking while travelling back from London to the West Country by coach. An ideal place for people-watching and developing character profiles, and there were...
Telephone Boxes

Red and Proud 

I’ve been fascinated with Britain’s iconic red telephone boxes since childhood, so writing the following article was a joy. If you have time, take a look, it only takes three minutes to read.

It’s Criminal! 

Picturesque on the outside and appalling inside. Just what I expected of a historical prison. Warden, Old Martin, takes pleasure in the telling of Bodmin Jail’s grim past. Thieves, murderers, and ghosts of poor souls...

Time for a Change 

It’s been a delight writing my weekly blog posts, but I’ve decided fortnightly is best now to allow more time for other writing projects. Enjoy the golden season, everyone! I’ll be back again soon. Until...


Our grandson’s 5th birthday was a wonderful excuse to host a party. The sun usually shines on his special day and our garden is a fair size, so plenty of room for the little ones...

Weekend Break In Bristol 

The harbourside is an ideal place to start a tour of the city. Fresh and charismatic with restaurants and homes fronting the river, there are various bridges spanning smaller waterways. They are peaceful spots to...